No Blog Today

Monday, January 17, 2005
Only have time to say that I don't have time to blog today. Silly to post just to say you can't post huh? Might not post the next few days but we will just have to see how the week shapes up.


Ryan said...

If you blog to say that you will not blog today, isn't that some sort of contradiction that will tear apart the fabric of space and cause the universe to explode (in a worst-case scenario)? But, it would be pointless to wait until tomorrow and say "No Blog Yesterday" because we already knew. And you couldn't have predicted this in yesterday's blog by saying "No Blog Tomorrow". Perhaps, one could say something like, "Only One Blog Today". Or "No More Blogging Until Further Notice". But, since you would give notice by blogging then it's no different than usual. But, I'm starting to ramble, so I will post no more comments. Until further notice.

Jenny said...

Funny, Ryan!!

Ryan said...

Jenny, I would reply and thank you, but I'm not going to post any comments today.

Jenny said...

But, Ryan, you just broke your own rule!

Susan said...

Funny. You get more comments when you tell us you're not posting than you have on some days when you do post. :)